IU Sociology Lab Members


Stephen Benard
Lab Director

Dr. Stephen Benard’s research focuses on understanding how micro & macro-level processes jointly shape patterns of conflict & inequality. In his work on conflict, he currently examines: 1) how intergroup conflict shapes intragroup relations, 2) how reputation systems organize competition, aggression & social status, & 3) how emotions & power affect third-party intervention in conflict.

His current projects on inequality include 1) how organizational cultures that emphasize meritocracy can unintentionally increase bias & 2) how stereotypes about race, gender, & income shape hiring & promotion decisions.

For more details, please feel free to visit his webpage.

Alleluia Musabyimana
Assistant Lab Director

Alleluia is a PhD student in the Department of Sociology at Indiana University. Her research studies are driven by how social and structural forces create and reproduce inequities in society. Her current research focuses on organizations, social psychology, and race. She recently completed her Master’s degree using experimental methods to examine the effects of leader race and gender on promoting diversity programs.

Parmida Nazarloo
Research Assistant

Parmida Nazarloo is a third-year undergraduate student majoring in Human Biology with a minor in Social Science & Medicine. After graduating, she hopes to obtain a Master of Science in Healthcare Management as well as attend medical school. Parmida has had a passion for medical sociology since taking her first sociology course at Indiana University during her freshman year and hopes to expand her skillset as a Research Assistant at the IU Sociology Lab.

Eric Wong, Jr.
Research Assistant

Eric is a sophomore majoring in Finance with a minor in Sociology. After graduation, Eric plans to go to law school. His research interests lie in economic sociology, focusing specifically on how we can leverage public policy to solve global economic disparities. Outside of school, Eric is involved with the Fin Tech Association, M&A Advisors, and IU Powerlifting. His hobbies include sports, podcasting, and fishing.